
Hood: Outlaws and Legends review | PC Gamer - gulleybutim1973

Our Verdict

An available online heist halt with some amusive systems that wrestle with clumsy combat and an monstrous introduction.

PC Gamer Verdict

An accessible online heist game with some fun systems that wrestle with clumsy combat and an repulsive display.

What is it? An online PvPvE heist game kick in a uncomprehensible imagining of the Robin Tough universe
Have a bun in the oven to pay: $30/£27
Developer: Sumo Appendage
Publisher: Focusing Home Interactive
Reviewed on: Ryzen 7 5800H, Nvidia GeForce 3070 (mobile), 16GB Force
Multiplayer? Yes, 4v4 online
Link: Official site

PvPvE origin games, where teams of players run and pummel each other to witness a treasure/bounty/McGuffin happening a map, grab it, then try to escape valve while others give chase, are on the up. With my beloved bayou chargeman William Holman Hunt: Confrontation reaching blossom numbers while the more secretive Fly the coop from Tarkov attracts tens of thousands of concurrent players, information technology's inevitable that gutsy pretenders will try to get their share of the spoils.

Hood: Outlaws and Legends is the latest game superficial to grab some of that PvPvE plunder, delivery with it some interesting ideas: a third-person perspective, a center on stealing, and an durable sheriff who stomps around maps the likes of an ironclad Mr X, grumbling and swearing about the vault key that one of the players has stolen off him.

The premise is that two teams of four players are attempting to slip a hoarded wealth chest from a intemperately fortified hold. The teams start at polar sides of a sizable map, so the early leaving is spent taking out guards, working your way into the keep, and stealing the vault key off the sheriff.

(Image deferred payment: Centerin Home Reciprocal)

After that, you essential find the vault—which is randomly located each time—grab the chest, and accompaniment the carrier to combined of 3 origin points on the map, where you place the chest on a program and hoist it out of the level. You can run into the foe team at any point, and fifty-fifty if you've completed 80% of the extraction, they can take you out and complete the odd smidgen of extraction themselves, taking the game. It can be cruel, but the constant possible action of snatching victory from the jaws of get the better of (operating theatre frailty versa) is an effective way to keep you intermeshed throughout the entire match.

You throw four characters to choose from, though 'generic eyelined avatars' is a better description for these severe-faced imaginings of Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Little John and Maid Marion. Erithacus rubecol is a cloaked bowman and sniper, John is the strapper with his cardinal-handed hammer, Marianne is a rogue armed with blades and a crossbow, while Tooke—who's not same friarly look—swings a lam and provides buffs for his teammates.

Beyond their grassroots arms, each character has a special ability that charges up as you kill enemies and unadulterated objectives, as well as unique tactical perks. John, for example, can open portcullises, holding them open for teammates spell they scurry through (or, as I erudite the hard means, accidentally stick teammates in half aside dropping the portcullis on them). Then in that respect's Robin, World Health Organization can shoot tangles of rope off ledges for teammates to go up.

(Image credit: Focus Home Mutual)

No power in the arsenal feels wasted, and information technology's nice that you can do your bit for your team without necessarily organism a sharpshooter or lethal brawler. During one game in which I was constantly acquiring my head caved in equally Marianne, for exemplify, I switched things up and ran around capturing control points, which gave my team more places to respawn. Then, during the crucial closing moments of extraction, I threw down a gage bomb so the foe Robins couldn't snipe my teammates A they extracted the chest to victory.

The pacing of Hood's loosely three-stage matches is a weird one. The first part—searching for the key—is great, utilising light stealth systems suchlike hiding in bushes, distracting guards, alertness gauges and instant assassinations to do a better 'co-op Assassin's Creed' impression than Assassinator's Creed itself did with Unity back in 2014. Watching guards in an area wear away as you double-team assassinate a pair of guards with a teammate while another picks off an approaching crossbowman with an arrow through the neck is one of the harmful joys of the game.

Things step up once a team procures the burial vault samara from the sheriff—the key carrier appears on your map and skirmishes between the teams (and guards) commence erupting. Merely it oftentimes feels like just as the match starts to feed, one team begins origin. This takes a years in Cowl, with the generous correspondenc markers and tagging system ensuring there's no such thing as a silent escape. So inevitably both teams descend connected the origin point, scuffling to make certain it's their hands that are on the winch for that final stretch.

(Double credit: Focus Home Reciprocal)

The problem with this is that the combat has all the grace and precision of a saloon brawl at kicking-out time. Stamina is scarce and attacks are heavy, with even the ostensibly lighter characters Marianne and Robin struggling to swing their daggers at the foe.

Lockup onto enemies is such a mess that I'd frequently charge an enemy player only to auto-target a guard next to them at the inalterable second, leaving me open to free shots as I recovered from my achingly slow attack animation. And everything is impartial so dark in that unimaginatively moody Bonnet universe that in the thick-skulled of the fighting you can easily lose sight of what you're doing.

The combat can be a clunky kind of fun if you manage to catch someone in a unmatchable-on-one duel though. At ane distributor point, I stubbornly parried mess up subsequently blow from an enemy John As—unbeknownst to him—the sheriff easy marched upfield behind him same a fundament headmaster who lets a dirty pupil peach himself into more trouble before tapping him on the shoulder and meting proscribed punishment. A brace of parries later the sheriff grabbed John and popped his head like a pumpkin. The systemic wildcard of tough enemy NPCs and particularly this magnanimous bastard is ever capable of throwing up a treat.

(Image credit: Focus Home Interactive)

Hood's cardinal maps are cloudy and samey—gloomy strongholds that I conceive of are what historic period England would have looked like had the Third Reich invaded circa 1200 and built soaring skyscraper-castles. The only i to really make out itself is Marshland, where the keep looks unfashionable over a vast marshy plain stippled with semi-sunken ruins. The long sightlines oblation ample opportunity to spot players and plot ambushes.

Lacking presentational flair in its maps, characters and general mankind, Hood tries to contrive several edginess by throwing in modern-sidereal day swearword and some splattery gore. It feels adolescent—shallowly mimicking Plot of Thrones' tone as if the series premiered last year preferably than a decade ago. Mayhap it's time to move on from the mind that superfluous swearing in a chivalric-fantasy setting for some reason mechanically earns you aplomb kudos?

Hood feels like IT could have exploited more time in development too, with matchmaking being unbalanced and barely functional when trying to play with a friend (disconnects between to each one lucifer, having to restart the stake to see invites, etc). Microcomputer purists will also balk at the 60 Federal Protective Service frame determine.

(Image credit: Rive Home Interactive)

For altogether its flaws, I've had around great moments with Hood: a hombre-and-mouse game with some other player through the mist-besotted marshes culminating in a satisfying character assassination, a dead placed arrow between the eyes of a John as atomic number 2 held a portcullis open for his friends, causing it to crash on them, watching the sheriff wreak havoc connected an enemy team, and smooth evenhanded silently stabbing my way into the keep at the start of a match before things get messy.

Hood feels fashioned round these moments rather than the combat that you spend overmuch time fumbling around with. It's got some string section to its bow, but the handle feels flimsy. At Sunday-go-to-meeting, it's an accessible entry point into immoderate more elegant games in its field.

Hood: Outlaws & Legends

An accessible online heist game with some fun systems that wrestle with clumsy combat and an ugly presentation.


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