
How Repair Backup Boot Sector On External Hard Drive

Position: How Tos - Deejay Utilities- How to Check and Repair Bad Sectors for Difficult Drive or USB Bulldoze?

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Overview on bad sectors

What is a hard drive bad sector?

A bad sector is a sector on a hd that cannot be used due to permanent damage (or an Bone inability to successfully access it), such as physical damage to the disk surface (or sometimes sectors being stuck in a magnetic or digital state that cannot exist reversed) or failed flash memory transistors. Something weird volition happen if the difficult disk has bad sectors, for instance, operating system cannot boot unremarkably; hard disk can't exist formatted; when you open up a file, fault is reported. These phenomena show that there must be bad sectors on the deejay. In fact, information technology is very mutual that deejay used for a long time has bad sectors. There are 2 types of bad sectors – concrete (hard) and logical (soft) bad sector.

Physical / hard bad sectors are a cluster of sectors of the hard drive that are physically damaged. If a hard drive'due south head touches the rotating plater, that area will be damaged. For example, your computer gets bumped while its hard bulldoze is writing information, hd is exposed to extreme estrus, or some mechanical role fails, all these are likely to cause difficult bad sectors. Every bit to solid-state bulldoze, bad sectors are the issue of worn out wink memory cell or other defects. This type of bad sector cannot exist repaired, but information technology can be prevented.

Logical / soft bad sectors are sectors on hard drive that appear to not exist working properly. When operating organization tries to read or write data stored on these sectors and finds error correction code (ECC) which does not match content of the sector, that indicates that something is wrong and these sectors may be tagged as bad sectors. Soft bad sectors are repairable by overwriting on deejay with zeros, which can be done by bad sector repair software such every bit DiskGenius.

How do I know if my hard bulldoze has bad sectors?

Hard disk might be one of the nigh fragile hardware among reckoner components. If not taken proper care, data would be at the risk of loss. Likewise, everything else, difficult drive bad sectors give signs and symptoms. If you know the alert signs beforehand, you lot have a good chance to prevent disaster. Permit's look at some signs telling hard disk drive probably contains bad sectors.

  • Bulldoze becomes RAW and inaccessible. When you try to access it, you receive mistake letters such as "Location is non available. Drive: \ is not accessible. Data error (circadian redundancy check)".
  • It takes a long time to run a program or read data, or software stops responding frequently. Computers slows down or freezes when the damaged hard drive in connected.
  • Hard bulldoze makes strange noises when computer boots or you try to access data in this disk.
  • When you want to perform a quick format to the device, formatting fails with error bulletin "Windows was unable to complete the format".
  • Windows keeps popping upwardly a messaging telling "Windows detected a difficult deejay problem" and suggesting backing up information.
  • Windows slows down and BSOD. Computer takes ages to beginning upwards or system booting e'er ends up with a blue screen of expiry.
  • S.M.A.R.T. information. There are tools that tin read S.1000.A.R.T. data of hard drive. If it shows the hard drive is failing, the disk is likely to have bad sectors.

What tin can cause bad sectors in a hard drive?

Sectors on hard drive tin easily become damaged due to all kinds of reasons. Bad sectors are no longer available for data storage and cause information loss almost of times. To prevent bad sectors, you lot need to know the nigh common reasons behind information technology. Hither are some factors that can cause bad sectors:

  • Aging devices: Similar other electronic devices, difficult drive has an expected life span. If your hard drive has been used for a long time, it is likely to be wearing out and bad sectors might have been created over time.
  • Turn off computer improperly: Platters in hard drive rotate in a high speed when working, as heads take to read information from different location on the deejay. When sudden ability failure or improper system shutdown happens, heads in difficult bulldoze will be forced to back to situ. During this process, head is likely to impact or rub disk platters, damaging that area and causing bad sectors. In a similar style, if external difficult bulldoze is unplugged from computer straight without using safely removing hardware, bad sectors are likely to be caused.
  • Shaking or knocking: Though many manufacturers accept tried their all-time to enable to enable the shock-resistant function, it does not hateful you no longer need to worry well-nigh shacking or striking. Dropping hard drive or laptop to flooring, excessive collision or knocking, specially when deejay is working, can lead to astringent physical bad sectors.
  • Poor quality: Hard drives with low quality tend to accept shorter overall lifespan and develop bad sectors. Such kind of hard bulldoze probably contains bad sectors when it is produced.
  • Dust: Working in a dusty surroundings is one of the most common causes that are ofttimes overlooked by users. As heads are very shut to disk platters, if any grit falls into the disk, bad sectors will occur shortly.

Check and Repair Bad Sectors

Free software to check and repair bad sectors

Is it possible to cheque or repair bad sectors on difficult bulldoze and USB drives? The answer is YES. There are bad sector check and repair tools online, and you tin can download one of them to help you perform a surface scanning. Besides, it is withal possible to recover files from a damaged hard drive caused by bad sectors. Let'south see a free bad sector repair tool – DiskGenius Free Edition.

DiskGenius Free Edition, uniform with all Windows editions, enables you to find out whether hard disk has errors. Information technology is able to cheque and repair bad sectors for hard drives, SSD and USB storage devices such as external hard drive, SD menu, USB flash drive. Meanwhile, it is free partition managing director and data recovery freeware, which is trusted and recommended past millions of users.

Equally we all know, bad sector repairing damages data, thus you should backup or recover data beforehand. DiskGenius provides information backup and data recovery features, thus you can back up of import data and relieve lost information, such as clone damaged disk, create a sector-level epitome for disk or sectionalisation, recover information from RAW drive or unallocated disk, restore lost partitions, etc.

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Guide #1: How to check bad sectors for difficult drive or USB bulldoze?

Step ane. Start DiskGenius Free Edition on your figurer, select the deejay that needs checking bad sectors, and click item Verify or Repair Bad Sectors under Deejay menu, as beneath:

check and repair bad sectors

Step 2. Click Offset Verify push button on the "Bad Rail Verification" dialog box, and DiskGenius starts to perform a surface scanning to find bad sectors.

Before you get started, you can set timeout value or scanning cylinder range past entering exact value. If you lot are not an expert and accept no ideas about these settings, you can merely follow default value.

check and repair bad sectors

Step 3. While verifying bad sectors, DiskGenius displays detailed data of hard drive sectors. Sectors marked by red blocked means damaged, and these are bad sectors. Severe does not mean bad sector, but it is likely to plow to bad sectors in the time to come.

check and repair bad sectors

Step 4. When scanning completes, DiskGenius reports how many bad sectors are plant. You can click Save Study button to save the scanning result.

check and repair bad sectors

Note: If y'all desire to cheque bad sectors for organisation disk which installs Windows operating system, yous should utilise DiskGenius WinPE edition to complete the task in order to get a more accurate exam result. To access DiskGenius WinPE Edition, y'all can either boot to WinPE from Windows directly (click "File" card > choose "Reboot to DiskGenius WinPE version") or create a bootable USB deejay.

Guide #2: How to repair bad sectors using free bad sector repair tool?


  • Checking bad sector is read-but procedure and does not affect deejay itself or files on hard bulldoze, however, repairing bad sector is a different story. Earlier trying any bad sector repairing solution, make sure you have a good backup of your files on the damaged disk, as repair action probably issue in the loss of files or corruption of file organisation.
  • Repairing bad sector is of no assistance to data recovery. The bad sector repair destroys data on the disk; more exactly, it destroys information on bad sectors or near bad sectors. Thus, you need to back upward data before the bad sector repair. It is mutual that the disk cannot read data due to bad sectors, and in such a condition, yous need to recover data outset instead of doing the bad sector repair.
  • Not all bad sectors are repairable such as physical bad sectors. If DiskGenius cannot repair all bad sectors on your hard drive, you lot tin isolate bad sectors by creating a sectionalisation on the disk surface area that contains bad sectors and hiding the partition with the assist of DiskGenius.

Step ane. Click Repair push if y'all want to repair bad sectors on the "Bad Track Verification" window.

Step 2. Y'all'll receive a warning that asks to back up information first. If you lot have created a fill-in for important data, click OK push. If non, click Cancel and backup your files.

check and repair bad sectors

Footstep 3. Another alarm message from DiskGenius, which tells repairing bad sectors does non equal to recovering files and you should recover information showtime.

Click OK if file recovery is non needed. If you want to recover data, you should click Cancel and utilize File Recovery part to scan the disk to detect lost data.

check and repair bad sectors

Pace 4. When the repairing process completes, you will receive following message. Click OK push button and close the software.

check and repair bad sectors

Questions and answers about bad sectors

1. Why hard drive gets bad sectors?

1 of the reasons is that hard deejay has bad sectors when it is manufactured; experienced data recovery engineers know which disk is probable to accept bad sectors judging past its brand, manufactured fourth dimension, working hours, etc. Some other reason is the improper operations such as unduly defragment.

two. Practise I need to fix bad sector issue equally before long as possible?

Yes! It volition become a vicious circle if you practice not ready bad sectors timely, because that may cause more bad sectors. Therefore, you'd ameliorate discover bad sectors regularly and do bad sector repair timely. Meanwhile, though bad sectors are fixed, the disk is riskier of getting bad sectors than normal ones. So, you should be cautious when yous use a disk that had bad sectors before and exercise not salve important information on it. The logical bad sector can be fixed, while the physical bad sectors cannot be repaired, only usually they can be remapped. Bad sector repair and discover software can detect bad sectors, repair logical bad sectors, and remap concrete bad sectors.

3. Can bad sectors be fixed via low-level formatting (LLF)?

Depression-level formatting can exist used to gear up server bad sectors. However, the depression-level formatting is a double-edged sword; it tin fix bad sectors as well as do hard to hard deejay, especially when the difficult disk has physical bad sectors. Thus, the low-level formatting is the last selection of bad sector repair.

4. Is it possible that a new difficult drive contains bad sectors?

It is barely known that when a difficult disk is manufactured, at that place are areas on the platter that have bad sectors! These bad sectors, subconscious in P-LIST and K-Listing, will not affect normal use and they tin't exist accessed by common software either. G-LIST can store several hundred bad sectors and the P-Listing can store about 4 thousand bad sectors. For more than data about 1000-List and P-List, please read related articles. One thing to note if your hard drive contains irreparable bad sectors, it is non brash to store importance data on that disk for data security reasons.


It is a common occurrence that your hard drive or other storage devices develop bad sectors, and there is no demand to be panic when y'all encounter such bug. Y'all can use DiskGenius Free Edition to easily check or repair bad sectors. In addition, practice non forget to create backups for important files and keep backups on different disks in instance that one of them fails to piece of work.

Related guides

  • How to recover information from hard drive with bad sectors?
  • How to go data off a difficult drive that won't boot?
  • How to clone hard drive with bad sectors and recover information?


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